Unfathomable Mercy: A Full Length TV Drama Series 52
By MarkAnthony Nze (All Rights Reserved) 153. INT. FIBERISIMAS’ RES. NIGHT. The DUO of CHIEFS FIBERISIMA and TEJUOSHO sit in
By MarkAnthony Nze (All Rights Reserved) 153. INT. FIBERISIMAS’ RES. NIGHT. The DUO of CHIEFS FIBERISIMA and TEJUOSHO sit in
By MarkAnthony Nze (All Rights Reserved) 148. EXT. CHIEF TEJUOSHO’S RES. NIGHT. CHIEF TEJUOSHO sitting in his VERANDAH and sipping
By MarkAnthony Nze (All Rights Reserved) 143. INT.RESTAURANT. NIGHT BEN and DEOLA sitting directly opposite each other having DINER as
By MarkAnthony Nze (All Rights Reserved) 139. INT. MR. BEN’S RES. NIGHT BEN in the BED ROOM working with his
By MarkAnthony Nze (All Rights Reserved) 136. INT. KEN’S OFFICE. DAY KEN in his OFFICE busy smoking and drinking
By MarkAnthony Nze (All Rights Reserved) 133. EXT. MR. KADIRI’S COMPOUND.DAY. JEFF exchanges pleasantries with Adamu and the LAND
By MarkAnthony Nze (All Rights Reserved) 130. INT. DAN’S CHAMBER. DAY At the LAW FIRM of DAN, RAY and
By MarkAnthony Nze (All Rights Reserved) 126. EXT. PARK.DAY. The TWO BUS DRIVERS are at corner of the PARK discussing.
By MarkAnthony Nze 121. INT. NGOZI’S OFFICE. DAY The DUO of NGOZI and RITA are in the FORMER’S OFFICE
By MarkAnthony Nze 118. INT.CHURCH. DAY After CHURCH SERVICE, PASTOR DAVID sits in his OFFICE counseling PRISCA. PASTOR DAVID Sister
By MarkAnthony Nze 116. EXT. KEN’S RES. NIGHT. The DUO of FFIONG and OBOT are OUTSIDE as the FORMER is
By MarkAnthony Nze 112. EXT. PARK. DAY. The TWO BUS DRIVERS STAND in front of the NOTICE BOARD at ONE