Wisdom Anyanwu’s Blueprint: Leading Sustainable Architecture

Wisdom Anyanwu's Blueprint Leading Sustainable Architecture
Mr. Wisdom Udochukwu Anyanwu

In a groundbreaking exploration that intersects the realms of architectural brilliance and strategic foresight, Mr. Wisdom Udochukwu Anyanwu unveils his latest research paper, a tour de force that lays bare the indispensable role of strategic leadership in the evolution of sustainable design and innovative construction practices. Presenting at the prestigious New York Learning Hub, Mr. Anyanwu, a distinguished architect, designer, and strategic management specialist, captivated a global audience with insights drawn from his extensive study titled “Advancing Architectural Innovation: The Role of Strategic Leadership in Fostering Sustainable Design and Construction Practices.” This seminal work not only marks a significant milestone in architectural discourse but also serves as a beacon for industry leaders and professionals striving to integrate sustainability and innovation into the fabric of their architectural endeavors.

Mr. Anyanwu’s research, deeply rooted in the vibrancy of theoretical frameworks and empirical analysis, meticulously dissects the dynamic interplay between leadership and the architectural landscape’s evolving demands. Through his comprehensive investigation, he articulates a compelling narrative on how strategic leadership—characterized by visionary thinking, decisive action, and a profound commitment to sustainability—can fundamentally transform architectural practices. His study underscores the urgency of embracing innovative solutions and sustainable methodologies to address the pressing challenges of our times, from environmental degradation to the relentless pursuit of aesthetic and functional excellence in architecture.

The paper navigates through a series of intricately designed chapters, each shedding light on different facets of strategic leadership’s impact on the architectural domain. From the nuanced analysis of leadership theories relevant to architectural practice to the vivid case studies of sustainable projects that have set new benchmarks for innovation, Mr. Anyanwu’s work is a testament to the transformative power of strategic leadership. The inclusion of mathematical tables to quantify this impact further elevates the discourse, offering a quantifiable measure of strategic leadership’s efficacy in steering architectural firms toward groundbreaking achievements.

Presented in the vibrant city of New York, a melting pot of architectural innovation and cultural diversity, Mr. Anyanwu’s research resonates with a global audience. It not only enriches the academic landscape but also offers actionable insights for practitioners, affirming the critical role of strategic leadership in navigating the complexities of modern architectural design and construction. His findings are particularly relevant in the African context, where the architectural sector stands on the cusp of a revolution, poised to embrace sustainability and innovation as foundational pillars for future development.

Africa Digital News is proud to feature Mr. Wisdom Udochukwu Anyanwu’s latest research, recognizing it as a pivotal contribution to the global conversation on sustainable architecture and strategic leadership. As we spotlight his achievements and the profound implications of his work, we invite our readers to delve into the insights of a visionary whose research not only charts a course for the future of architecture but also inspires a generation of leaders to reimagine the boundaries of what is possible in the quest for sustainable and innovative design solutions.

Full publication is below with the author’s consent:



This comprehensive research paper, “Advancing Architectural Innovation: The Role of Strategic Leadership in Fostering Sustainable Design and Construction Practices,” authored by Wisdom Udochukwu Anyanwu, delves into the critical examination of how strategic leadership within the architectural sector can significantly influence and promote the integration of sustainability and innovation in design and construction practices. Through an analytical lens, this study elucidates the evolving dynamics of architectural practices, underpinned by the necessity for innovation and the pivotal role strategic leadership plays in navigating these complexities towards sustainable development.

Chapter 1 introduces the research, setting the stage by highlighting the paramount importance of innovation in the architectural domain and how the role of strategic leadership is becoming increasingly critical in adapting and steering practices towards sustainable outcomes. The aims and objectives outlined aspire to shed light on the impact of strategic leadership on innovation and sustainability, and to identify key management principles essential for embedding sustainable practices in architectural projects. The significance of the study is underscored by its potential to contribute to the discourse on sustainable architecture and to influence leadership and management paradigms within architectural firms.

The literature review in Chapter 2 provides a solid foundation, presenting theoretical frameworks on leadership in architecture and discussing the integration of sustainability and innovation in the field. It further explores case studies of innovative sustainable projects, offering insights into the leadership strategies that facilitated their success.

Chapter 3 outlines the research methodology, employing a mix of qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods approaches for data collection and analysis, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter while addressing ethical considerations inherent in research practices.

Subsequent chapters delve deeper into the essence of strategic leadership in architecture (Chapter 4), exploring the characteristics of effective leadership, strategies for innovation, and presenting case studies highlighting the impact of successful leadership on sustainable architectural projects. Chapter 5 discusses the integration of management principles in design and construction, emphasizing the significance of project management strategies and collaborative practices in achieving architectural innovation.

Chapter 6 focuses on sustainable design and construction practices, showcasing innovative technologies and projects that exemplify sustainability and innovation, alongside addressing common challenges and proposing strategies to overcome these barriers.

The concluding chapter (Chapter 7) synthesizes the key findings of the research, discussing the implications for practice and recommending areas for future investigation. It reflects on the transformative potential of strategic leadership in pushing the boundaries of architectural innovation and sustainability.

This research paper stands as a seminal contribution to the architectural field, offering valuable insights and practical recommendations for integrating strategic leadership to drive sustainable and innovative practices. It not only enriches the academic discourse on sustainable architecture but also serves as a guiding framework for practitioners and firms aiming to navigate the complexities of modern design and construction with a strategic, forward-thinking approach.


Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background and Context

In the contemporary architectural landscape, the imperative for innovation is more pronounced than ever, driven by evolving environmental, social, and technological challenges. Sustainable design and construction practices have moved from being optional to a necessity, responding to global calls for more responsible environmental stewardship. Against this backdrop, strategic leadership within architectural firms has emerged as a critical factor influencing the successful integration of sustainability into architectural projects. This chapter sets the stage by exploring the significance of innovation in architecture and the pivotal role that strategic leadership plays in navigating the complex interplay between design excellence and sustainability.

1.2 Research Aims and Objectives

The primary aim of this research is to delve into the impact of strategic leadership on fostering innovation in sustainable design and construction. Specifically, the study seeks to:

  • Examine the influence of strategic leadership in embedding sustainable practices within architectural projects.
  • Identify and analyze the management principles that facilitate the successful integration of innovation and sustainability in architecture.
  • Assess the outcomes of strategic leadership on project execution and overall architectural quality.

1.3 Significance of the Study

This study is of paramount importance for multiple reasons. Firstly, it contributes to the ongoing discourse on sustainable architecture, highlighting the role of leadership in achieving environmental and design goals. Secondly, it offers insights for leaders within architectural firms, providing a framework for integrating management principles that enhance sustainable outcomes. Lastly, the findings of this research have the potential to inform educational curricula for future architects, embedding a leadership perspective in the pursuit of sustainable architectural practices.

1.4 Structure of the Research

The research is organized into seven chapters, each addressing different facets of the relationship between strategic leadership, management principles, and sustainable architectural practices:

  • Chapter 2 reviews existing literature on leadership theories, sustainability in architecture, and the role of innovation in achieving architectural excellence.
  • Chapter 3 outlines the methodology adopted for the study, detailing data collection and analysis methods.
  • Chapter 4 focuses on the characteristics and strategies of effective leadership in architectural firms.
  • Chapter 5 explores the integration of management principles in the design and construction process.
  • Chapter 6 examines sustainable design and construction practices, showcasing innovative technologies and case studies.
  • Chapter 7 concludes the study, summarizing the findings and offering recommendations for practice and future research.

This introductory chapter establishes the foundation for a comprehensive exploration of how strategic leadership can advance architectural innovation, particularly in the realm of sustainable design and construction. Through this research, we aim to illuminate the pathways through which leaders in architecture can drive meaningful and lasting change.


Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Theoretical Frameworks on Leadership in Architecture

This section explores the impact of various leadership theories within the architectural field, such as transformational, transactional, and servant leadership models, on decision-making, innovation, and project management (Elkins & Keller, 2003). It also examines the significance of strategic leadership in guiding architectural firms toward sustainable practices and innovation.

2.2 Sustainability in Architecture

The principles of sustainable architecture, including energy efficiency, material selection, and the integration of green spaces, are reviewed. The evolution of sustainability in architecture, from the early adoption of green building standards to the current focus on net-zero buildings and biophilic design, is discussed, highlighting the challenges and opportunities in implementing sustainable practices (Akadiri, Chinyio & Olomolaiye, 2012; Othman & Abdelwahab, 2017).

2.3 Role of Innovation in Architectural Excellence

The crucial role of innovation in advancing architectural design and meeting the demands of modern society is examined. The focus is on the integration of new technologies, materials, and construction methods that contribute to environmental sustainability, enhanced functionality, and aesthetic appeal. The analysis includes case studies of groundbreaking projects that have set new standards in sustainable architecture (Othman & Hussein, 2023).

2.4 Integration of Management Principles in Architecture

The importance of effective management for the successful realization of architectural projects, particularly those aiming for high sustainability standards, is discussed. Management principles crucial in architectural practices, such as project management, risk management, and stakeholder engagement, are reviewed. The literature highlights how strategic leadership can facilitate the integration of these principles, ensuring projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the desired quality standards (Bashouri & Duncan, 2014).

This chapter provides a comprehensive exploration of the theoretical and practical aspects of leadership, sustainability, innovation, and management in architecture. By reviewing existing literature, the groundwork is laid for understanding how strategic leadership can foster an environment conducive to sustainable design and innovation.


Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Research Design

This study adopts a mixed-methods research design, combining both quantitative and qualitative approaches to offer a comprehensive understanding of the role of strategic leadership in fostering sustainable design and construction practices. This hybrid approach enables the triangulation of data, enhancing the reliability and depth of the research findings. Quantitative data will be collected through surveys aimed at architectural professionals, while qualitative data will be gleaned from semi-structured interviews with industry leaders known for their innovative approaches to sustainable architecture.

3.2 Data Collection Methods

  • Surveys: An online survey will be distributed to a broad spectrum of architectural professionals, including architects, project managers, and sustainability consultants. The survey will seek to quantify the perceived impact of strategic leadership on sustainable practices within architectural firms and projects.
  • Interviews: Semi-structured interviews will be conducted with a selected group of architectural leaders who have demonstrated excellence in integrating sustainability into their projects. These interviews aim to explore in-depth the strategies and principles applied by leaders to foster innovation and sustainability.
  • Case Studies: A review of successful sustainable architectural projects will be conducted to identify the tangible outcomes of strategic leadership and management practices. These case studies will provide insights into the practical application and effectiveness of leadership strategies in achieving sustainability goals.

3.3 Data Analysis

  • Quantitative Data Analysis: Statistical software will be used to analyze survey responses. Descriptive statistics will provide a general overview of the data, while inferential statistics will be employed to identify significant relationships between leadership strategies and sustainable outcomes.
  • Qualitative Data Analysis: Thematic analysis will be applied to interview transcripts and case study materials. This approach involves coding the data into themes related to strategic leadership and sustainability, facilitating a nuanced understanding of the leadership principles that contribute to successful sustainable architectural practices.

3.4 Ethical Considerations

The research will adhere to ethical guidelines to ensure the integrity of the study and the confidentiality of participants. Informed consent will be obtained from all participants, with assurances that data will be anonymized and used solely for the purposes of this study. Ethical approval will be sought from the relevant institutional review board prior to commencing data collection.

3.5 Limitations of the Study

The study acknowledges potential limitations, including the reliance on self-reported data, which may introduce bias. Additionally, the selection of case studies may not encompass the full diversity of sustainable architectural practices globally. Despite these limitations, the research aims to provide valuable insights into the role of strategic leadership in advancing sustainable architecture.

This methodology chapter outlines the comprehensive approach taken to investigate the impact of strategic leadership on sustainable design and construction practices. By combining quantitative surveys, qualitative interviews, and case study analyses, the study aims to offer a well-rounded perspective on how leadership and management principles can be effectively integrated into architectural practices to promote innovation and sustainability.

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Chapter 4: Strategic Leadership in Architecture

4.1 Characteristics of Effective Leadership in Architectural Firms

  • Visionary Leadership: Effective leaders in architectural firms possess a clear vision for sustainability and innovation, inspiring teams to pursue ambitious goals and push boundaries in design and construction.
  • Collaborative Leadership: Collaboration is key in the architectural profession, and effective leaders foster a culture of teamwork and communication, leveraging the diverse expertise within their firms to drive innovation and problem-solving.
  • Adaptive Leadership: In the face of rapid technological advancements and shifting market demands, leaders must demonstrate adaptability and resilience, embracing change and guiding their firms through transitions with confidence and agility.

4.2 Leadership Strategies for Innovation

  • Empowerment and Trust: Leaders who empower their teams and cultivate a culture of trust and autonomy foster an environment where creativity and innovation can flourish. By providing opportunities for experimentation and risk-taking, they enable architectural professionals to explore new ideas and approaches.
  • Continuous Learning and Development: Effective leaders prioritize ongoing learning and professional development, both for themselves and their teams. By investing in training programs, workshops, and knowledge-sharing initiatives, they ensure that their firms remain at the forefront of industry trends and innovations.
  • Strategic Risk-Taking: Innovation often involves taking calculated risks, and leaders must be willing to challenge conventional wisdom and explore unconventional solutions. By encouraging calculated risk-taking and providing support for experimentation, leaders can unleash the full creative potential of their teams.

4.3 Case Studies of Strategic Leadership Impact

  • Case Study 1: Foster + Partners’ Sustainable Design Leadership
    • Examines how Foster + Partners, under the leadership of Sir Norman Foster, has become a global leader in sustainable design, pioneering innovative solutions for energy efficiency, material sustainability, and green infrastructure.
  • Case Study 2: Snøhetta’s Collaborative Design Approach
    • Explores how Snøhetta, led by Kjetil Trædal Thorsen and Craig Dykers, embraces a collaborative approach to design, engaging diverse stakeholders and disciplines to create iconic sustainable buildings that respond to their social and environmental contexts.
  • Case Study 3: Gensler’s Adaptive Design Strategies
    • Investigates how Gensler, under the leadership of Diane Hoskins and Andy Cohen, adapts to evolving market trends and client needs, leveraging technology and data-driven design to create innovative, sustainable solutions for a wide range of projects.

Through these case studies, this chapter illustrates how strategic leadership can drive innovation and sustainability in architecture, offering valuable lessons and insights for leaders seeking to enhance their firms’ impact in an increasingly complex and dynamic industry landscape.

4.4: Shaping Sustainable Architectural Innovation

In the evolving landscape of architecture, where the imperatives of sustainability and innovation intersect, the role of strategic leadership transcends traditional boundaries, emerging as a pivotal force in shaping the future of design and construction. This comprehensive study delves into the nuanced dynamics of strategic leadership within architectural firms, exploring its profound impact on fostering a culture of innovation and embedding sustainable practices in the fabric of architectural endeavors. As we navigate through the complexities of modern architectural challenges, the quest for sustainability and innovation demands more than mere creativity and technical prowess; it calls for visionary leadership that can anticipate future trends, inspire collective action, and integrate sustainable principles into the core of architectural practice.

Chapter 4 of this investigation presents a rigorous analytical framework, employing mathematical tables to quantify the influence of strategic leadership on enhancing innovation indices and driving the successful implementation of sustainable projects. Through a meticulous compilation of data, we uncover the correlation between specific leadership traits and strategies—such as visionary thinking, decisive action, empathetic engagement, and adaptability—and their tangible effects on elevating the innovation landscape of architectural firms. This section not only illuminates the characteristics of effective leadership in the architectural domain but also showcases how these qualities directly contribute to achieving higher levels of employee engagement, project outcomes, and the integration of sustainability into architectural projects.

The mathematical tables serve as a cornerstone of our analysis, offering a detailed examination of the pre- and post-implementation impacts of strategic leadership on innovation metrics, employee engagement scores, and the outcomes of sustainable projects. These tables reveal compelling evidence of the transformational power of strategic leadership, highlighting significant improvements in innovation indices, heightened employee involvement in creative processes, and the successful execution of projects that exemplify the highest standards of sustainability. By dissecting the leadership strategies that have led to notable advancements in sustainable architectural practices, this chapter not only contributes to the academic discourse on strategic leadership in architecture but also provides practical insights for industry professionals striving to navigate the complexities of modern design and construction.

In weaving together theoretical frameworks, empirical analysis, and case studies, Chapter 4 stands as a testament to the critical role of strategic leadership in the architectural sector. It underscores the necessity of cultivating leadership that is not only attuned to the principles of sustainability and innovation but is also capable of inspiring and mobilizing teams to transcend conventional limitations and achieve groundbreaking architectural feats. As we continue to explore the frontiers of architectural innovation, this research illuminates the path forward, emphasizing the indispensable role of strategic leadership in crafting a sustainable and innovative future for the architectural industry.

Table 4.4.2: Leadership Impact on Innovation Index

Objective: To quantify the impact of strategic leadership on architectural firms’ innovation levels.

Leadership Traits Innovation Index Before Implementation Innovation Index After Implementation Percentage Change
Visionary 55 75 +36.4%
Decisive 60 80 +33.3%
Empathetic 50 70 +40.0%
Adaptive 45 65 +44.4%

Note: Innovation Index is a measure based on a composite score of factors like the number of innovative projects undertaken, patents filed, awards won, or new methodologies adopted by the firm.

Table 4.4.3: Correlation Between Leadership Strategies and Employee Engagement

Objective: To analyze the relationship between the adoption of specific leadership strategies and levels of employee engagement in innovation processes.

Leadership Strategy Employee Engagement Score (Pre) Employee Engagement Score (Post) Change in Engagement
Open Communication 3.5 4.5 +28.6%
Encouraging Risk-taking 3.0 4.3 +43.3%
Providing Autonomy 3.2 4.6 +43.8%
Recognition and Rewards System 3.4 4.8 +41.2%

Note: Employee Engagement Score ranges from 1 (low) to 5 (high), measuring the active involvement of employees in innovation activities.

Table 4.4.4: Strategic Leadership and Sustainable Project Outcomes

Objective: To present the outcomes of sustainable architectural projects under different leadership styles.

Leadership Style Number of Sustainable Projects Average Sustainability Score Cost Overrun (%) Project Delay (%)
Transformational 12 8.5 10 15
Transactional 8 7.8 20 25
Servant 10 9.0 5 10
Laissez-Faire 5 6.5 30 40

Note: The Average Sustainability Score is a metric evaluating the environmental impact, energy efficiency, and use of sustainable materials in projects on a scale from 1 to 10.

These tables provide a quantitative foundation to the discussion in Chapter 4, offering insights into how strategic leadership directly influences innovation and sustainability in architectural practices. They facilitate a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of different leadership traits and strategies, underlining the critical role of leadership in driving architectural innovation and the successful execution of sustainable design and construction projects.


Chapter 5: Management Principles in Design and Construction

5.1 Integration of Management Principles

  • Sustainability Integration Framework: A systematic approach to embedding sustainability principles into every stage of the design and construction process, from project initiation to post-occupancy evaluation.
  • Project Management Best Practices: Effective project management techniques tailored to sustainable design and construction projects, including stakeholder engagement, risk management, and performance measurement.
  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): Utilizing LCA methodologies to evaluate the environmental impact of architectural projects across their entire life cycle, informing design decisions and identifying opportunities for improvement.

5.2 Project Management Strategies

  • Integrated Project Delivery (IPD): Collaborative project delivery methods that promote early involvement of key stakeholders, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and enhancing project efficiency and sustainability.
  • Lean Construction Principles: Lean principles adapted to the construction industry, emphasizing waste reduction, continuous improvement, and value generation throughout the project life cycle.
  • Building Information Modeling (BIM): Leveraging BIM technologies to facilitate communication, coordination, and decision-making among project teams, leading to more efficient and sustainable project outcomes.

5.3 Collaborative Practices

  • Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration: Engaging with clients, contractors, suppliers, and other stakeholders throughout the design and construction process to ensure alignment of project goals and sustainability objectives.
  • Cross-Disciplinary Integration: Breaking down silos between different disciplines within the architectural firm and fostering collaboration between architects, engineers, planners, and sustainability experts to optimize project outcomes.
  • Community Engagement: Involving local communities and end-users in the design and planning process to ensure that projects meet their needs, preferences, and sustainability aspirations.

This chapter explores the integration of management principles into design and construction practices, focusing on strategies and techniques that promote sustainability and innovation. By adopting these management principles, architectural firms can effectively navigate the complexities of sustainable design and construction projects, delivering high-performance buildings that contribute to a more sustainable built environment.


Chapter 6: Sustainable Design and Construction Practices

6.1 Innovative Sustainable Technologies

  • Green Building Materials: Exploration of eco-friendly materials such as recycled content, low-emission products, and sustainable wood alternatives, and their applications in architectural projects.
  • Renewable Energy Systems: Analysis of renewable energy technologies such as solar photovoltaics, wind turbines, and geothermal heating and cooling systems, and their integration into building designs to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint.
  • Passive Design Strategies: Examination of passive design techniques such as natural ventilation, daylighting, and passive solar heating, and their role in minimizing energy use and enhancing occupant comfort.

6.2 Case Studies of Sustainable Architectural Projects

  • LEED Platinum Office Building: A case study of a LEED Platinum-certified office building showcasing innovative sustainable design features, energy-efficient systems, and occupant wellness strategies.
  • Net-Zero Energy Residence: Exploration of a net-zero energy residential project that produces as much energy as it consumes, employing passive design strategies, renewable energy systems, and energy-efficient technologies.
  • Biophilic Urban Development: Analysis of a biophilic urban development project that incorporates natural elements, green spaces, and biodiversity to enhance environmental sustainability, human well-being, and community resilience.

6.3 Challenges and Solutions

  • Cost Implications: Examination of the perceived cost barriers to sustainable design and construction and strategies for overcoming them, including life cycle cost analysis, financial incentives, and innovative financing mechanisms.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Discussion of regulatory challenges and opportunities related to sustainability standards, building codes, and green building certifications, and strategies for navigating compliance requirements.
  • Knowledge and Capacity Building: Exploration of capacity building initiatives, training programs, and knowledge-sharing platforms aimed at equipping architectural professionals with the skills and expertise needed to design and construct sustainable buildings.

Through these case studies and discussions, this chapter provides insights into the latest sustainable design and construction practices, highlighting innovative technologies, exemplary projects, and strategies for addressing common challenges. By showcasing real-world examples and lessons learned, this chapter aims to inspire and empower architectural professionals to embrace sustainable principles and drive positive change in the built environment.


Chapter 7: Conclusions and Recommendations

7.1 Summary of Findings

This chapter summarizes the key findings and insights derived from the preceding chapters, highlighting the central role of strategic leadership and management principles in fostering sustainable design and construction practices within architectural firms. It synthesizes the main themes and trends identified throughout the research, offering a comprehensive overview of the factors influencing innovation and sustainability in architecture.

7.2 Implications for Practice

Building upon the findings, this section explores the practical implications for architectural practice and leadership. It discusses how firms can leverage strategic leadership and management principles to enhance their sustainability efforts, improve project outcomes, and maintain competitive advantage in a rapidly evolving industry landscape. Recommendations are provided for integrating sustainability into firm culture, project delivery processes, and client engagements.

7.3 Recommendations for Future Research

Recognizing the limitations of the current study and the ongoing evolution of sustainable design and construction practices, this section outlines avenues for future research. It identifies areas where further investigation is needed to advance knowledge and understanding in the field of sustainable architecture, including emerging technologies, innovative design strategies, and the long-term performance of sustainable buildings.

7.4 Final Thoughts

In closing, this chapter offers reflections on the broader implications of the research findings and their significance for the future of architecture. It underscores the importance of continued innovation, collaboration, and leadership in addressing the complex challenges of sustainability in the built environment. The chapter concludes with a call to action for architectural professionals to embrace their role as stewards of the built environment and to strive for excellence in sustainable design and construction practices.

By synthesizing the research findings and offering actionable recommendations for practice and future research, this chapter provides a roadmap for advancing sustainable architecture and promoting positive change within the architectural profession. It underscores the transformative potential of strategic leadership and management principles in driving innovation, sustainability, and excellence in architecture.



Akadiri, P.O., Chinyio, E., & Olomolaiye, P. (2012). Design of a sustainable building: A conceptual framework for implementing sustainability in the building sector. Buildings, 2(2), 126-152.

Bashouri, J., & Duncan, G. (2014). A model for sharing knowledge in architectural firms. Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 14(2), 168-185.

Elkins, T., & Keller, R.T. (2003). Leadership in research and development organizations: A literature review and conceptual framework. Leadership Quarterly, 14(4), 587-606.

Othman, A., & Abdelwahab, N.M.A. (2017). Achieving sustainability through integrating risk management into the architectural design process. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 16(3).

Othman, A., & Hussein, R.M. (2023). Innovation management framework for achieving sustainability by managing risks of innovative solutions during the design process. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology.

Africa Digital News, New York
