How Religion Affects The High Maternal Mortality In Africa

How Religion Affects The High Maternal Mortality In Africa
Abigail David Utah
The insensitivity of most religious leaders on the issues of pregnancy and childbirth has greatly contributed to the high maternal mortality in Africa as most pastors and religious leaders ignorantly pray for their pregnant members to deliver like the Hebrew women while praying against cesarean section.
Some women go far as to hide their delivery method and lie while dedicating their babies to the church.
This has contributed to the total rejection of c-sections as a medical intervention during childbirth thereby leading to high maternal and neonatal mortality.
Today, we shared some life stories and events that show how religion affects maternal mortality.
Analysing the biblical passage is being misinterpreted by ignorant individuals and religious leaders leading to high maternal mortality as most women hold firmly to the declaration of their religious leaders to deliver like the Hebrew women.
We shared some real-life experiences and stories of women who leave well-equipped hospitals to go deliver their babies in churches and prayer houses in other to avoid a c-section and birth like the Hebrew women as prophesied by their religious leaders.
Some women whose self-esteem has been compromised as a result of public shaming or prophecies have lost their lives trying to have a VBAC against their doctor’s recommendation.
A good number of them ignorantly leave the hospital and stop going for antenatal visits. They run to traditional midwives or other hospitals who promise to help them birth vaginally.
In the process of pushing, complications may arise and these women are rushed back to the hospitals they rejected. Where doctors are expected to perform miracles.
In some cases, some of these women do not make it to the hospital while those who did either don’t make it out or the baby. Some also end up with complications.
We believe that today’s session will help enlighten more individuals on the orientation they have about childbirth and the Hebrew women’s delivery while educating them to make better and safer choices during childbirth as they focus on having a safe delivery regardless of the delivery method.
You can listen to the podcast on this topic here
© Abigail David Utah