Socialmedia Apps: Right Way For Business Positioning

Socialmedia Apps: Right Way For Business Positioning

By Onyeka Chiemelie


What we call madness sometimes is doing the same exact thing repeatedly and expecting a total, different result. It is like waiting for an aeroplane in a ship harbor. It will never happen.

The picture below this post is not in tandem with the subject of discussions but there is a vintage similarity.

People are usually like herds, going steeply into the ditch without questioning their habits, routine and modus operandi especially as regards business and lifestyle. It is what we do as a daily routine that eventually prelates success.

The crowd mentality is a terrible mind sickness, if not a total severe debilitating condition where you do what you are doing without having an inkling on why you do it. That everyone is doing it that way psyche is probably what has kept us in the murky quagmire we have found ourselves in as individuals and as a nation at large.

How do you explain to entrepreneurs and business owners that their actions, albeit perfunctionary may not be the best for massive productive economic results.

Are there not people on this platform who daily load up their “Whatsapp” status with products pictures and service but with zero feedback and referrals everyday.

I’m seeking to build a foundational basis for the content I’m about to share this morning. I also want to be sure that you all are mentally fixated on the message without distractions and ambiguities.

Your whatsapp status is not the place to share your business product if you have got only your friends and acquaintances on that platform.

Writing from experiential knowledge which spanned years as an employee in reputable firms within Lagos and as a budding business owner, I can posit emphatically that friends never support businesses to grow. Your friend would not buy your goods!

I am sorry to be this blunt with you.

Read Also: 4 Exciting New Features To Anticipate On Whatsapp

They will probably send in “congratulations” and the attendant sugary words needed to excite a budding business owner who comes down from that momentary exhilaration with sad reality when there’s zero or no business patronage. They may like all the business posts on socialmedia and may come to get those products and services ONLY for free or for slashed rates to pay later.

This is not to infuriate you at all but to arm you with superior business knowledge and engagement strategy.

Only strangers and people who have been referred to you because you have solved similar challenges in the past will place orders for your goods and services.

Henceforth, let your whatsapp status instead of showing the products you sell completely, show the consumption or finished development of the usage and patronage of your service, products or goods.

Let them see the results.

Who used it, commentaries from external figures. Screenshots to prove. This is a storytelling period where the oxytocin in the head ensures choices are made about everything especially when it shows that others who have used it got the needed results.

Most movie makers employ the review buttons and tactics as a place for people to tell their own stories and share their thoughts on the content consumed -a tool that never disappoints as it enforces sales and patronage.

In other words, if you sell books like myself and you want a better engagement, invitations and patronage show expressly how you have done certain things or gone to paid events doing that particular “skill” in operation. It will garner better involvement with your business.

Usually people want to identify with the best. They make mentally analogy and analysis when they see you doing the needful in that field of endeavor. They connect more with your importance, swiftness, modal setup and can make better informed judgement Wether to use your services as against the other options they have got.

Your friends will make better use of you when you create “emotional resonance” with your service. If this is not the case, then you should revert back to what you are doing now and I can assure you that you will not get any different result from what you are getting now.

When you push out all your products and services to your contact on Whatsapp, for example. I can tell you that only “strangers” will dutifully go through the process of checking them out since they want to grasp mentally what you do.

Secondly, the attention span of most people is abysmally low. You don’t need to cover up your status with all your product. I told a friend of mine on this platform who wanted to start a food, confectionery business that she shouldn’t do the above, instead, I advised her to wet the appetite of her followers.

Drop periodic food recipes and contents that would engage and enforce sales. Don’t bore people with food pictures they cannot even eat immediately. Spice it up, two beautiful pictorial representation of your product, something informative about your service, a questionnaire to guage thoughts and an adequate feedback mechanism with a freebie option (which can be applied periodically) where they get to win something from patronizing your brand or business.

Business acumen entail we spot better ways of pushing our products and services as well as getting the much needed attention, sales and consumption of what we are putting out.


Let me get your feedbacks.
