Don’t be discouraged even in the midst of chaotic disorder

Challenges, problems, and hurdles are part of our existence on Earth, and as our faces differ so do the things we pass through. A lot of times, they appear neck-breaking, and we quickly move to the edge of giving up.

By MarkAnthony Nze

Challenges, problems, and hurdles are part of our existence on Earth, and as our faces differ so do the things we pass through. A lot of times, they appear neck-breaking, and we quickly move to the edge of giving up.

In spite of the circumstances that are bedeviling us, we should realise that our handling of such situations go a long way to determine, the impression that would leave us with subsequently. The same challenge that marred one was the very one that made another extremely successful financially, and otherwise.

Irrespective of every smiling face you see on Social Media or elsewhere, there’s one thing or the other we all are facing – the difference is that some are more complex than others. Only dead people are without challenges or problems. Do not allow the make-belief of others make you worse-off.

While some are being faced with a health challenge despite having all the money that can take care of their material needs, another is healthy but can’t afford a good meal in a day.

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Many are happily married with affluence surrounding them but their own voids are their childless marriages while others get pregnant at any slightest romp with their partners and even want to stop having children because they could hardly afford to handle the financial responsibilities of training them, and often times, that keep make life somehow unbearable for them.

A beautiful young woman is gainfully employed, has virtually all her desires accomplished quite early in life but she is yet be crowned with the title of ‘Mrs’ while her age-mates whom she is apparently more successful in the social strata of life are happily settled down in their various homes, and she is about to hit 40 years of age.

The list of what is confronting humanity is usually endless, however, amidst all those things, we have a choice, either to be happy, and hope for a better tomorrow as we live or keep being angry and allow bitterness to be nurtured in us which eventually will release terrible hormones whose end product in our system would be nothing but harmful molecules that will definitely destroy the antioxidants in our bodies.

No matter what we are going through, let’s have it in our subconscious being that life is great, and someday, if only we keep being happy, and tenacious in the pursuit of our dreams, our heart desires would be met by divine orchestration, just like we didn’t ask to be born. We only need to do our part, and let nature take its full cause.

